World Wetlands Day was marked on 2 February at various sites across Kenya. The national celebrations took place at the Enkongu Enkare in Narok County. Thirteen community groups affiliated to Nature Kenya held activities to comemorate the day. These were: Tana Delta Conservation Network (Tana River Delta), Dakatcha Woodland Conservation Group (Dakatcha Woodland), Yala Ecosystem Site Support Group (Yala Swamp), Lake Naivasha Biodiversity Conservation Group (Lake Naivasha), Lake Elmenteita Community-based Organization (Lake Elmenteita), Busia Environmental Conservation Education Program (Busia grasslands), Nyahururu Bird Club (Lake Ol’ Bolossat), Ithugu Self-Help Group (Mt. Kenya forest), Kijabe Environment Volunteers Organization (Kereita Forest), Sabaki River Conservation and Development Organization (Sabaki River Mouth), Friends of Nature Bogoria (Lake Bogoria), Friends of Dunga Swamp and Lake Kenyatta Water Users Association (Lamu County). Over 3,300 people, including school children, participated in the events.