Discover the Dawida Eco-resource Centre

Nestled beside the lush Ngangao Forest in Wundanyi Sub-County, Taita-Taveta County, the Dawida Community Eco-resource Centre offers a sanctuary for nature enthusiasts and community members alike. Situated on a serene 1-acre piece of land, the centre boasts an array of facilities including a hall, kitchen, library, office, guest rooms, washrooms, and a camping site. Construction of the centre was funded by the Community Development Trust Fund and was completed in 2015.

Guests at the centre are encouraged to explore its environmental education resources such as guidebooks on birds, trees, and butterflies, as well as newsletters. While these materials are for on-site use only, they enrich the learning experience for visitors and locals.

The centre has conference and accommodation facilities which support the community through income generated from hall hire, accommodation and camping fees. Open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm, the centre is managed by dedicated volunteers from the Dawida Biodiversity Conservation CBO (DABICO) – the Site Support Group in the Taita Hills KBA.

A perfect starting point for bird walks and outdoor activities, the Dawida Eco-resource Centre is your gateway to nature and community engagement. Community scouts stationed at the centre offer visitors guided tours of Ngangao Forest at a small fee. Come explore, learn, and connect with the beauty of Ngangao Forest!