Kenya Birding Magazine

Kenya Birding is Kenya's premier birding magazine. The magazine is a showcase on birds and bird watching in Kenya, including birds identification, news and travel. It supports bird tourism at key biodiversity sites, around the country, as a form of eco tourism, benefitting local guides and communities.


Notes for contributors

Production of Kenya Birding relies on voluntary contributions, and we welcome them on birding news and commentaries, other natural history subjects, trip reviews, conservation news and updates, and field reports.

  • The length of articles submitted is generally: up to 400 words for shorter notes, and 700-900 words for most contributions with photos. They will be subject to editing.
  • Please reach out to the editor as soon as you can if you plan a submission. The editors will advise on acceptability of drafts, if necessary, and/or submitted material.
  • Bird names should be those from the Checklist of the Birds of Kenya, Fifth Edition, 2019
  • Articles for submission should be Word documents and include text only — do not place photos in documents you submit or in email communication.
  • Authors of written contributions are welcome to provide supporting photos, also on a voluntary basis (see the notes below).



Photos and illustrations, of places or birds, are welcome on a voluntary basis.

We credit all photos we use. The credit is normally placed beside the photo or on the same page of the magazine.

  • Photos you wish to share with us should be in an image format (i.e. JPEG, TIFF or PNG). They should be saved on an online facility/account you might have (e.g. Google Drive, Flickr, Dropbox, or similar).
  • Place the chosen photos in a folder and ONLY send a link to the folder in an email, which states that you are giving permission for the use of photos in those folders, for use in the Kenya Birding
  • Photos may also be saved on a flash disk and dropped off at the Nature Kenya offices at the National Museums of Kenya, Museum Hill, Nairobi.




Catherine Ngarachu


The Nature Kenya Membership, Communication & Marketing Manager

Angela Mecha


The Nature Kenya Communications Coordinator

John Mwacharo


To read any of the previous issues kindly click on the magazine icons.