Birding Updates
Wednesday Morning Birdwalks in Nairobi.

4th September – City Park. Meet at 8:30 am at the parking near the Coca Cola Kiosk. Directions: Coming from the City centre, take Limuru Road past Aga Khan Hospital. Make a U turn after 5th Parklands avenue. Drive back along Limuru Road and turn left onto City Park Road next to City Park Market. There is a parking fee of Ksh. 300.

11th September – Ngong Road Forest (Miotoni Block, Section 1). Meet at 8:30am at the Southern Bypass Gate. (There’s an entrance fee of Ksh. 100 for citizens payable via Mpesa). Directions: Coming from the City Centre, take Ngong Road towards Southern Bypass. Turn towards Kikuyu. The Sanctuary Gate is on the Karen side, immediately after the turn off.

18th September – Ondiri Swamp. Meet at 8:30am at the Ondiri Wetland Information Centre. Directions: Coming from the city centre, take Waiyaki Way towards Kikuyu. Turn left at Gitaru onto Southern Bypass. Slip left onto Kikuyu overpass. Drive over the highway, take first left turn after overpass and drive straight to the Information Centre. Ondiri Swamp is the only quaking bog in Kenya, a presumed source of the Nairobi River. Thanks to Friends of Ondiri Wetland for welcoming the birdwalk.

25th September –– Paradise Lost. Meet at Paradise Lost Main Gate at 8:30 am. Directions: Take Kiambu Road. Turn Left at Paradise Lost junction in Thindigua after Runda Greens before Quick Mart Supermarket. Turn right at Kencom Apartments just after Kasarini Primary School. It’s about 500m to the main gate. Thanks to the management for welcoming the birdwalk.

15th September. Sunday Birdwatch – Yeyani Resort, Athi River. Meet at 8:30am at Sunset Carwash, off Mombasa Road, Athi River. Directions: Coming from the City Centre, take Mombasa Road. Turn left at Athi River Interchange onto Wuyi Road. Turn right towards Tuff Foam Mattress Store. Turn right and proceed straight past China Wuyi (Kenya) Precast Co., Ltd and Coloho Mall onto height restriction barrier. Sunset Carwash is directly opposite the barrier.
We will proceed to the resort at 8:40am.
Thanks to the management for welcoming the birdwalk.

It will be a day trip, bring snacks and plenty of drinking water.

If you have questions, please write or phone 0780-149200.

Bird Ringing at Nairobi National Museum grounds usually takes place on Tuesday mornings. Please confirm with Titus Imboma Phone 0721-649452.

Thursday Birdwalks in Malindi

Please note that all of the Thursday bird walks will be early in the morning at 7:00 am except on 5th September which will be at 10:00 am.

5th September – Malindi Harbor. Meet at 10:00 am at Malindi Museum near the Nature Kenya Membership office.

12th September - Chemchem. Meet at 7:00am at Malindi Museum near Nature Kenya Membership Office.

19th September - Mayungu. Meet at 7:00 am at Malindi Museum near the Nature Kenya Membership Office.

26th September - Mtangani via Afya Hospital. Meet at 7:00 am at the Malindi Museum near Nature Kenya Membership Office.

Saturday Bird Watch
28th September. Saturday Birdwatch – Mida Creek. Meet at 7:00 am at Mida Creek ticket office. Thanks to Mida Creek Conservation & Awareness Group for welcoming the Bird walk.
For more information, email: or phone 0759 474453

Mombasa Birdwalks by Friends of Fort Jesus are held the 3rd Saturday of each month. To check meeting time and place check Facebook page:

Or contact: Taibali Hamzali / 0733-980540
or Kelvin Mazera / 0720-928783