Working Groups
Mammal Committee
Mammal Committee
The Mammal Committee of Nature Kenya strongly would like to network with other Mammalogists in Africa and abroad to jointly fundraise to conduct mammalsresearch projects, train the next crop of mammal biologists in Kenya and undertake mammal related wildlife conservation projects and also ensure an operational African Society of Mammalogists (ASM) is established and in the African continent.
The Mammal Committee is a committee under Nature Kenya that brings together people from different disciplines who have interest in mammals. Our interests range from mammals’ identification, mammals’ biology, and mammals’ conservation. The main objectives of the committee include:
- Raising awareness about wild mammal conservation in Kenya,
- Researching on wild mammals in Kenya,
- Mentoring biology students who are interested in conducting research on wild mammals, and
- Engaging in any other activity that may enhance the welfare of Kenyan wild mammal conservation.
Mammal Committee works closely with the Mammalogy Section of the National Museum of Kenya to offer collaborative opportunities for scientists and local/foreign students at all levels who are interested in researching in any aspects (taxonomy, behaviour, ecology, wildlife diseases & parasites, human-wildlife conflicts) of Kenyan mammals. Members of the committee come from a variety of backgrounds, including researchers who study mammals, students of wildlife, and wildlife enthusiasts.
The committee operates within the vision of the Society but also the philosophy that:
“Humans are mammals. We all arose and became human among other mammals, in very special circumstances within a mix of many varieties of plants and other animals around us. Thus, to destroy mammals is to irreversibly divorce ourselves from our own biological and intellectual past. To destroy mammals is to trivialize our origin, culture, and future.”
To that end, we work with scientists, local communities, and school children to learn, appreciate, and conserve mammals as integral parts of our heritage. It is for that reason that we welcome volunteers to join us, as well as give suggestions, donations and any contribution of ideas as we journey towards a better balanced natural environment for us all.
Core team:
- Simon Musila (Patron)
- Leo M. Khasoha (Chairperson)
- John Kabue (Secretary)
Recent projects and activities
- The MAKENYA project - Mammal Atlas Kenya (MAKENYA) project is a Kenyan citizen (public) science mobile-based application to monitor mammals. The MAKENYA app can be freely downloaded and installed on a smartphone for use to record and report any type of mammal species one sees anywhere in Kenya. Any record/sighting of mammal species submitted is useful data which can help save that species in the long run. The main aims of the project are:
- Involve everyone in the study of Kenyan mammals
- Encourage everyone to contribute sightings of common and rare mammals
- Produce distribution maps of different mammal species in Kenya
- Analyze sighting data and publish in peer-reviewed journals
- Mammal Lecture Series- aimed at sharing knowledge on groundbreaking studies on mammals of Kenya. Some of the talks which have been given in the past virtually or physically include:
- How small mammals are maintained in an East African Savanna
- Primate Diversity and Conservation in Kenya
- How Ant-Plant Mutualism Disruption Affects Predator-Prey Dynamics in the African Savanna
- Are the Gentle Giants of Africa (Masai Giraffe) Slowly Sliding into Extinction?
- Bats of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and nearby Farmlands
- Why Landscape Connectivity is Key for Conservation
- Integrating Wildlife Conservation and Cattle Ranching
If you are willing to give a talk that touch on any aspect of wild mammals biology or ecology, their interaction with people and their environment do feel free to contact us.
- Human-mammal interaction studies (including cultural beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and general perceptions about mammals by Kenyan people (on going)
- The Vanishing Heritage of our time: The Small Five of Kenya (coming soon)- An awareness initiative on the small mammals of Kenya that have been overshadowed by the charismatic megafauna. The “Small Five” will compare to the famous “Big Five”.
How to join
To join the Mammal Committee of Nature Kenya or to contribute towards our mission, please contact us on
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